Eleanor Snare, Marketing Professional

Eleanor Snare, Marketing Professional

Elly Snare is a Leeds based marketing and copywriting professional who runs her own business working with marketing agencies and small businesses, helping them to deliver their creative output. Elly also taught on the Fashion Marketing Undergraduate Course at the University of Leeds, helping to inspire 3rd Year students and prepare them for life in the industry.
"I try to run my business and my life in as sustainable way as possible"

The project I'm most proud of...

Every project. Well, by that I mean I just absolutely love what I do. I love that marketing allows me to speak and engage with lots of different people, whether that’s the agencies or businesses I collaborate with, or their colleagues and customers. Projects involving fashion or sustainability always get my creative juices flowing but, in general, every aspect of what I do I enjoy immensely.

How I like to use my Silvine Originals Exercise Book...

I basically use them for all my planning. I have a very intense diary system where I have one diary for my day-to-day to do list and one for my social media and website updates, so I use my Exercise books for anything from planning out articles, taking meeting notes, jotting down blog post ideas and everything in between. The fact the pages are perforated is perfect for the way I work; it means I can work quickly without having to be too pristine.

The importance of a good workspace...

Desks can quickly become a mess of paperwork and other stuff, and mine’s no different. That said, it’s pretty neat and tidy at the moment, although I do like to surround myself in a lot of inspiration from postcards to all kinds of books dating back to the 60s, fun little things that make me smile and lots of artwork, both my own and other people’s. I’m a bit of a magpie, so anything that catches my eye, really. One thing you can’t miss is my love of plants, the bigger the better – they’re everywhere in my studio, in fact it’s a bit of a jungle.

I usually carry my Silvine Originals book in...

A back pack, along with research, folders, charger and lunch.

I take inspiration from...

The planet, my allotment, being outside, walks and reading.


The book I'm reading right now...

As a writer, I love to read as much as I possibly can. At the moment it’s a book called The Rules of Life by Richard Templar. I’m also currently obsessed with a book about the folk heroes of ancient Britain, I love delving into Roman and British History and discovering where all those original myths and legends came from really excites me.


You can visit Elly’s website here 

All photos by Mark Howe Photo


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